


> > First - without new features.
> With no new features, pretty minimal to keep it ticking over. If you want
> me to put in the new SpecFrame stuff, I don't know. I'm not sure how it's
> all integrated or how much change would be needed.

I've just had a quick grep through the datacube source files, and it looks
like all the handling of AST Frames is done within KAPPA. Is this right?
The only bit of fortran which uses AST seems to be putaxis which shouldn't
need to know anything about the nature of the frame, and so should not
need any change.

KAPPA already handles SpecFrames, so the changes required to DATACUBE
should be minimal. Possibilities include:

1) Getting a suitable SpecFrame into the NDF WCS component (you can use
kappa:wcsadd for this).

2) Controlling the attributes of the SpecFrame (e.g. deciding whether
the spectralaxis should be annotoated in freq, wavelen, etc.). This can be
done with kappa:wcsattrib, or by using the STYLE parameter for things
