

Alan Magnus-Bennett refers to having folded OS 1:25,000 Explorers and
thus being able to get rid of flat Pathfinder predecessors and save
space. In terms of cubic space folded maps tend to occupy rather more
space than flat counterparts: first, there is the cover, invariably on
much heavier-weight card (and often projecting beyond the folded map)
and second all systems of foldinmg involve 'air pockets', particularly
the 'Bender' fold used by the OS. If there is an option, having folded
maps only seems worthwhile if they are likely to be heavily used, can
easily be replaced, and can be stored somewhere where there isn't a
conveient space for a cabinet suitable for flat maps.

Mind you, storing maps rolled is even more inefficient!!


Richard Oliver, B.A., D.Phil., F.B.Cart.S.,
School of Geography & Archaeology
University of Exeter
Exeter, EX4 4RJ
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