

That's great news... filtrations across borders, in and out, are what
help languages thrive.....

Was going to add that a chapbook (excerpt) of my translation into
inglés of Chus Pato's _m-Talá_ is available from tiny but amazing
poetry press _Nomados_ (in Vancouver, BC Canada)... their web
address, with info for ordering, if anyone is interested, is at:

Some friends in San Francisco who translate Brazilian work are trying
to get money to publish the whole book... (There are also a couple of
pages in the latest issue of the NYC translation journal
_Circumference_.) I think for _Charenton_ (Chus's newest which will
be out from Xerais in outubro) I will try to find a _real_ publisher!

Pois nada. Lamento moito o morto de Manuel María.... estiven tan
triste onte que non puiden escribir.....


«Nunca chegaremos a saber se os nosos nervios son emanacións do sol,
se a páxina
é parasitaria das secrecións do meu cerebro
os nosos nervios radiantes de azafrán nas letras do betilo
sobre todo cando as perdas son tan violentas e próximas»           Chus Pato

>More good news:
>John Rutherford's novel in Galician and on the theme of the pilgrimage to
>Sant-Iago, As frechas de ouro, has been accepted for publication by Galaxia.
>I think this has many positive implications for Galician culture and the
>perception of it within the country. I hope he does not use a pseudonym!
>Best wishes


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