

Announcement and Call for Papers


The Third European Conference on

Intelligent Management Systems in Operations

28 & 29 June, 2005, University of Salford, U.K.

Organised by The OR <>  Society


As in the previous two conferences, selected papers will appear in a
special issue of an international Journal



Call for Papers


Operations management poses a number of problems of significant
complexity whose solutions would lead to more effective operations and
bring significant economic benefits. These solutions, however, require
novel approaches that are based on techniques and principles from both
Operational Research and Artificial Intelligence.


The first and second conferences were both held in Salford, Greater
Manchester, UK in March 1997 and July 2001. They attracted papers from
researchers and practitioners from many countries including Australia,
Hong Kong, Brazil and the USA as well as Europe.   Selected papers from
these conferences appeared in special issues of the Journal of the
Operational Research Society and the Journal of Integrated Manufacturing


The third conference will also be held at Salford University, Greater
Manchester, and aims to bring together researchers and practitioners
working on the challenging problems in operations management that are at
the OR-AI interface.


Researchers and practitioners from industry and academia are invited to
submit papers in all areas related to aspects of design, development,
testing and implementation of intelligent management systems in
manufacturing and service operations covering but not restricted to:


*        Process Design and Control.

*        Scheduling and Capacity Planning

*        Maintenance and Fault Diagnosis

*        Supply Chains and Inventory Management

*        Knowledge Management in Operations

*        Quality Management and Control

*        Workforce Training and Management

*        E-Business and E-Manufacturing


Papers describing case studies utilising or evaluating AI techniques,
such as Neural Networks, Data Mining, Knowledge Based Systems, Case
Based Reasoning, Fuzzy Logic, Bayesian Networks, Agent Technology as
well as Hybrid Intelligent techniques, are particularly encouraged.


Key Dates & Deadlines

*        Indication of intention to present a paper/attend the
conference A.S.A.P.

*        Extended abstract of around 500 words to be submitted by 30
September 2004

*        Accepted papers to be notified by 30 November 2004

*        Full papers to be submitted by 31 March 2005


Organising committee 

Prof  Khairy Kobbacy, Salford University (Chair)

Prof  Sunil Vadera , Salford University

Dr Ashraf Labib, UMIST

Chris Barrett, The OR Society


Submission Procedure

To indicate an intention to submit a paper:

*        Goto

*        Click on IMSIO III (submit a title) on the site’s home page

*        Enter your title (you can change it later) and your details in
the web form 

*        To call up the form, select ‘Submit a paper’.  You can type or
paste in your abstract at the same time, or do it later. 

*        Advice on submitting full papers will be emailed at a later


If you wish to contact members of the committee their details are given
below, but please make your submission as described above, as this will
ensure that your contribution is entered in the conference database. 



Conference Organising  Committee:


Prof K  Kobbacy, Email:  <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
[log in to unmask]

Centre for OR & Applied Statistics,  Salford  University Tel
+44-(0)161-295 3785.  


Prof S. Vadera, Email: [log in to unmask]

School of Computing, Science and Engineering, Salford University  Tel
+44-(0)161- 295 3622.


Dr A Labib, Email: [log in to unmask]

Dept of Mech, Aerospace and Manuf Engineering, UMIST Tel +44-(0)161 200



Scientific Committee


Professor David Bennet, University of Ashton, UK

Professor Paul Chung, University of Loughborough, UK

Professor Peter Cowling, University of Bradford, UK

Professor Rommert. Dekker, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

Professor Ayman El Dessouki, Electronics Research Institute, Egypt

Dr. Richard Y. K. Fung, City University of Hong Kong

Dr. Rick  Greenough, University of Cranfield, UK

Dr. Samir Garbaya, Robotics Laboratory of Paris, France 

Dr Mahesh Joshi, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA

Professor Jay Lee,  University. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA 

Dr Farid Meziane, University of Salford, UK

Professor Gerhard Petuelli, University of Applied Sciences at Soest,

Professor Vinesh Raja, University of Warwick, UK

Professor Mohamed. H. Rasmy, University of Cairo, Egypt

Dr Andres Rodriguez,   Instituto de Investigaciones Eléctricas, Mexico 

Dr Mohammed Saraee, University of Salford, UK

Professor Enrique Sucar, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico

Dr Vijayan Sugumaran, Oakland University, USA

Professor Hiroyuki Tamura, Kansai University, Japan

Professor Tetsuo Tomiyama, Technical University of Delft, Netherlands

Professor Jim Yip, University of Teeside, UK.