Dear all, 
Felt I had to contribute to this discussion!
In my recent survey of some 5000 individuals involved in clinical research, with a response rate of 8%, 87% of individuals said they use search engines to find information, 67% use databases and 56% use online journals (there are also some other resources that are used).  Out of the members using Search Engines, 87% responded that they use Google and 2% use Yahoo.  Other engines were minimal.
Personally in my work, depending on the question I get, I tend to start with Google to get a feel for what's out there website wise, then I'll go onto the databases and get the 'properly' indexed materials, only to find that often the material isn't indexed properly at all and unless you spend an eternity working out the possible combinations of MESH headings (or other terminology used) you may not find everything that you were looking for, whereas Google may have given you exactly what you were after within a few minutes of clicking/scrolling/reading. 
However, what sounds better?  I found it on Google.  or   I found this by doing a systematic literature search using the approved medical databases.  ???
PS. If anyone is interested in my survey, I will be publishing an article on my findings in a future issue of Health Information and Libraries Journal.

Best wishes,

Helena Korjonen-Close
Information Services Officer
The Institute of Clinical Research
PO Box 2962
Tel: 01628 899764
Fax: 01628 899766