

On Sat, 18 Sep 2004 10:35:40 +1200, Douglas Campbell
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Thanx for the RDF attempt (whew!).  I was more aiming to point out that
>we can't assume the content will be a URI string, so only saying the
>logo/thumbnail is of DCMIType Image gives insufficient information for
>an applications to know what to do.

OK, agreed. But I think I'd argue that the additional information about the
image is provided by statements _about_ that image. The DC CD AP isn't
saying this is unnecessary: it's just not prescribing what that metadata
might be.

Again I imagine a user guide (or maybe the guidelines provided by an
individual implementer) could expand on this sort of thing. Like, say,
administrative metadata, it's not strictly part of the DC CD AP because the
DC CD AP (currently) covers the collection description only, but it may well
be a necessary part of any implementation of the DC CD AP.

So my example could be expanded to:

       <dc:title>Logo for my collection</dc:title>


           <!-- other statements about image here -->

(I _think_ a mime type makes sense there, but I might be wrong!)
