

Dear All,

This is just a quick heads-up to alert you to additions to the Edmund
Spenser Home Page. You may like to know that the page now includes:

* an annotated census of Spenser editions 1569-present (see the
bibliography section; this is still somewhat rough around the edges,
and in some periods selective; if you have suggestions, additions,
corrections, or anything else, like digitized title pages, etc. you
would like me to know about, please write!)

* pages on the Spenserian Stanza Prize (including, for those of you
who do not receive or have not lately read The Spenser Review, the
texts of this year's winning entries)

* updates to the Spenser Society pages

I'll be making some other changes over the next week (cleaning up,
turning off long-delayed jobs, etc.), so if you have any further
suggestions for improvements, additions, corrections, or indeed
deletions--from the very specific to the most general--I would be
happy to have them.

My continued thanks go to the Faculty of English at Cambridge for
hosting and supporting the site.

