

Dear all,

In the 2nd edition of Informing the Future of the Past there will be a
section on the Data Protection Act and the Freedom of Information
Act/Environmental Information Regulations. To help write this section, it
would be useful to know if anyone has so far encountered DPA/FoI/EIR issues
as part of their HER work?

Has anyone actually had a FoI request or come across a DPA issue in the
course of their work? Has anyone made major changes to their data or how it
is used in preparation for this?

Any info, on or off-list, would be much appreciated..



> __________________________________________________
> Paul Cuming
> Sites and Monuments Record Manager
> Environment & Economy
> Kent County Council
> Invicta House, County Hall
> Maidstone
> Kent ME14 1XX
> Tel: 01622 221536
> Fax: 01622 221636