Recruiting, managing & developing volunteers
2 November 2004, London
This workshop examines the key issues to ensure best practice when using volunteers.
For more details about the workshop programme, who would benefit from attending and the fees, view:

Customer relationship management in library & information units
4 November 2004, London
A day designed to equip and inspire senior library and information professionals to lead their service in anticipating and satisfying the needs and demands of their customers through Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

For more details about the workshop programme, who would benefit from attending and the fees, view:

Positive approaches to negative performance
9 November 2004, London
This workshop will help participants deal with the 'poor performer' and explore how to turn poor performance around, how to encourage a more effective response, and how to deal with more extreme cases.

For more details about the workshop programme, who would benefit from attending and the fees, view:
Evidence based healthcare on the web: finding the information that matters
9 November 2004, London
This hands-on workshop cuts through the maze and focuses on reliable, solid information freely available on the web, with an emphasis on sources of evidence based information.

For more details about the workshop programme, who would benefit from attending and the fees, view:

Dealing with difficult users in academic libraries
16 November 2004, London
This workshop will help participants deal more effectively with people who are angry or upset, and will play a vital role in reducing their stress levels at work. The day is designed to increase their confidence, and to help them provide a smooth and professional service.

For more details about the workshop programme, who would benefit from attending and the fees, view:

Managing diversity
17 November 2004, London
This one-day workshop is designed for staff who already have some awareness of diversity issues, but wish to examine in more detail what diversity really means for their organisation.

For more details about the workshop programme, who would benefit from attending and the fees, view:

Evaluating the impact of your service: the quest for evidence
18 November 2004, London
A new workshop, for library service managers. Designed to help them get to grips with evaluating service impact, incorporate their effort into the overall service monitoring and evaluation process, and put the evidence of success across in convincing ways.

For more details about the workshop programme, who would benefit from attending and the fees, view:

Getting the most out of meetings
29 November 2004, London
This new intensive workshop helps you to make your meetings more useful through good preparation and effective management as well as ensuring that you make a valuable contribution to meetings.

For more details about the workshop programme, who would benefit from attending and the fees, view:

Introduction to management skills (two consecutive days)
24 & 25 November 2004, London
A two-day practical introduction to the main areas of management, relevant to library and information work, with emphasis on both managing oneself and others.

For more details about the workshop programme, who would benefit from attending and the fees, view:

Practical service planning techniques
29 & 30 November 2004, London
A workshop for library and information managers and/or their deputies who run a whole service, a section, a site or a team, wishing to prepare an achievable service plan.

For more details about the workshop programme, who would benefit from attending and the fees, view: