

>  2. handling large video files in multimedia packages (2)

In the College of Education at the University of Hawaii we would
probably handle this analysis using "Qualifiers" on the Macintosh
platform. Probably we would compress the video using free iMovie down
to MPEG4 files. Audio monaural, 22kHZ, 16 bit, uncompressed. All using
the QuickTime codecs. If the video isn't that imjportant for analysis,
use a smaller screen size and greater compression. The trick is to get
everything on one big hard drive if possible. This isn't necessary,
however. "Qualifiers" will reference the drive, file,  and frame.

You can find "Qualifiers" at for $35.


Tom Speitel, Ph.D.
Curriculum Research & Development Group
College of Education                    [log in to unmask]
University of Hawaii at Manoa    808-956-6855
1776 University Avenue               Fax: 808-956-4933
Honolulu, HI 96822             

CRDG... providing quality educational programs and
services for preschool through grade 12.