

...and the other thing I sent that didn't make it...

>Clive Church wrote:
> >P.s As the success of each lesson is dependent on the teacher (skills,
> >enthusiasm, personality etc.) in using the resources at his/ her disposal
> >and the 'chemistry' of each particular group how can different leanring
> >design models be effectively evaluated.......or am I just a crusty old
> cynic??!!
>I think this is a good question. I'd say that there is a real risk here.
>This is the worst-case scenario:
>Someone does some "effective practice". It's evaluated, which provides an
>abstract description of it (inevitably losing elements of context, often
>including things like "chemistry"). This model then becomes a resource of
>the kind that these projects are exploring (a case study, say, or tips for
>practice). Someone else picks these up and tries to use them and - because
>vital but intangible information is missing - it doesn't go as expected.
>They lose heart and grow more conservative.
>In other words, no matter how good the source, we risk just producing
>"more of the same" by turning these learning designs into yet more recipes
>for practice. (Of which there are already plenty.)
>All that it would take to turn this into a good outcome, really, is that
>the person who picks up the resource thinks creatively about how to adapt
>what is described to their own practice. Of course I suspect this (people
>thinking, not just copying) is the one bit that it's going to be hard for
>JISC to promote through funding!
>Am I being overly cynical, too? Can anyone come up with a "fix" for this?


Dr. Martin Oliver,
Education and Professional Development,
University College London,
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