

Hi there,
Here at the Reload project, we're looking at implementing the IEEE LOM Metadata 1.0 spec into the Reload Editor tool.  I've been waiting for it to mature before doing so, so now I'm making some moves.  BTW - we already support IMS Metadata 1.2.1 and 1.2.2.
We already support IMS Metadata 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 because the relevant Schema files (.xsd files) are fairly straightforward.  The Reload editor is Schema driven and we exploit the Castor ( and Xerces ( libraries to parse and model the Schema files so we can drive the editor.   Unfortunately, the IEEE Schema files as found at use features of Schema that Castor/Xerces doesn't support (XPath, for example), so we can't use them as they are now.  BTW - this was also the case with the IMS Learning Design Schemas until some kind souls at the OUNL re-worked the schemas into "author schemas" that worked across the board.  Nice.  :-)
So my question is - is there anybody who is able to, or has anybody already, re-worked the existing IEEE Metadata LOM into a schema file(s) that uses regular XML Schema constructs that mere mortals can use?
(Does that make sense?  It's late....)
Phillip Beauvoir
RELOAD Project
Bolton Institute