


I'm trying to regenerate sun137.htx/ after making some changes to the
PONGO documentation to support its move to native PGPLOT. However, I
seem to be getting HTML which isn't entirely kosher, does anyone have
any idea why this should be the case?

For instance I'm getting things like,

 This release (2.0-2)

 PONGO now uses native PGPLOT for plotting rather than the deprecated
 Starlink GKS PGPLOT. This should fix plotting and interoperability
 problems with recent versions of KAPPA.

displayed in parts of the document.

Also in \section{}'s I'm getting the bottom ruler lines offset to the
right, in line with the lists of subsections rather than justified hard

Has star2html been modified since the last time the PONGO documentation
was rebuilt (which was in 1997 according to the date stamp!)
