

Spenser's ordinary level of fluency is so high that new lines rise to the surface every time I reread.  This morning's labor was FQ  Book 4, where I found myself staring at the opening line of the passage that describes Ate's dwelling:  "And all within the riven walls were hung."  Harry Berger says this sort of music puts his students to sleep.  I find that it keeps me engaged--rewarded--at the level of "reading as if listening."  And because it lures me to slow down, it often serves for me as an unnoticed transition into the activity Berger calls "reading as if perusing," which means, roughly, reading as if Cleanth Brooks. 

David Lee Miller

Department of English                 543 Boonesboro Ave
University of Kentucky               Lexington, KY 40508
Lexington, KY 40506-0027     (859) 252-3680
(859) 257-6965
FAX  323-1072