

David:  I lied.

>Spenser's ordinary level of fluency is so high that new lines rise
>to the surface every time I reread.  This morning's labor was FQ
>Book 4, where I found myself staring at the opening line of the
>passage that describes Ate's dwelling:  "And all within the riven
>walls were hung."  Harry Berger says this sort of music puts his
>students to sleep.  I find that it keeps me engaged--rewarded--at
>the level of "reading as if listening."  And because it lures me to
>slow down, it often serves for me as an unnoticed transition into
>the activity Berger calls "reading as if perusing," which means,
>roughly, reading as if Cleanth Brooks.
>David Lee Miller
>Department of English                 543 Boonesboro Ave
>University of Kentucky               Lexington, KY 40508
>Lexington, KY 40506-0027     (859) 252-3680
>(859) 257-6965
>FAX  323-1072