

Dear Colleague,

this is to draw your attention to the first meeting of
the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) to be held in
Singapore, 5-09 July 2004.

You are invited to contribute to the session SE13 - Deformation of
Continental Regions- described below.

The deadline for receipt of abstracts is April 15th 2004.

The submittal information and general information about the meeting
can be obtained from the AOGS home page

Please forward this message to colleagues who may be interested.

Thanks for your time.

Karim Aoudia - Vinod Gaur - Zhongliang Wu

Solid Earth SE13: Deformation of Continental Regions

Brief Description
Deformation of continental regions, unlike that at oceanic plate
boundaries, is not confined to narrow bands, but spans a diffused region,
hundreds to thousands of kilometers in horizontal extent . It does not
therefore lend itself to the simple plate tectonic model of deformation
described by the relative rotation of rigid plates, and has led to
contending hypotheses: that continental lithospheres possessing different
kinds of rheology behave, like the earth's mantle, as continuously
deforming solids. Or, that continental deformation is mediated by
successive slips along a large number of microplates. The main objective
of this session is to bring together researchers in seismology, geodesy,
field geology, and other revealing areas of earth sciences to discuss and
evaluate quantitatively constrained models of continental deformation over
a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. Modeling of rates and style
of continental deformation as indicated by geology, paleoseismology,
seismicity, and geodesy (leveling, GPS, InSAR, etc.), and researches on
the relation between strain rates averaged over different temporal and
spatial scales are encouraged. Contributions may range from the mechanical
behavior of individual earthquake faults ( interseismic, coseismic,
postseismic, and aseismic ), to viscoelastic modelling of continental
deformation . Researches highlighting their implications to quantification
of seismic hazard would be especially welcome.

Main Organiser
Karim Aoudia, International Centre for Theoretical Physics & University of
Via E. Weiss, 4 - I34127 Trieste, Italy
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Vinod Gaur, CSIR Centre for Mathematical Modelling And Computer Simulation
- Bangalore
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Zhongliang Wu, China Seismological Bureau
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