

----- Original Message -----
That being the case I would far prefer to use Consultant A&E resources at my
disposal to be on my single A&E site providing an input into the vast
majority of A&E work - e.g.. the walking wounded etc. and dealing with the
majors once they come to A&E rather than being out in the community dealing
with only the big stuff.  That way a greater proportion of A&E work gets
Consultant input - and I certainly would not envisage being able to provide
the quality of A&E service that I'm happy with by spreading myself over even
2 sites (as I currently CD for anyway). [Nick Jenkins]

I would also agree with this approach, Nick (and Ray). Trying to cover two
departments "remotely" is a bit like "falling between two stools". You
wouldn't actually bring much benefit to either, in my opinion.

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Does it also reflect the difference in the way the community and hospitals
were treated when it comes to the GP/Consultant contracts.  Community normal
hours 9-5, hospital 7-7!  I wonder if at my next job planning meeting I
should say my on-call supplement is derisory, return it and opt out of
on-call, it would certainly make my life better and have a minimal impact
financially. [Simon McCormick]

I don't believe we're entitled to opt out of our on-call commitment under
the new contract, Simon. If I'm wrong, someone like Andrew will no doubt
correct me!

Adrian Fogarty