

Ideas of Europe and Nation in German Romanticism

A series of three seminars exploring  the idea of 'Christendom' as a model of European culture and civilization in the following texts and in the context of the history of ideas:

Novalis: 'Die Christenheit oder Europa' (1799)
Friedrich Schlegel: 'Vom wahren Kaisertum' (1802-1822)*
Joseph Görres: 'Deutschland und die Revolution' (1821)

* See e.g. 'Friedrich Schlegel. Schriften und Fragmente. Ein Gesamtbild seines Geistes' ed. Ernst Behler (Stuttgart, Alfred Kröner, 1956)

The aim of these seminars is to examine the tension between 'nation' and 'Europe' in the identity-consciousness of German Romantics. All three writers look back to the medieval period as a glorious age in which Europe emerged, in the time of Charlemagne, as a unified polity with a common religion. They believe that the Europe of their own time is in crisis, following the French Revolution, and conclude that some kind of restored Christendom must be the model for the future. While none are 'nationalists' in the modern sense of exclusivity or chauvinism, the elements of liberal nationalism in Schlegel and Görres, at least, are held in tension with a commitment to a united Europe. The Romantics' assertions of the unique role of the German peoples in Europe were later appropriated and distorted in the service of more aggressive nationalisms in which the ideal of 'Europe-as-Christendom' was abandoned.

Meetings will be held as follows:

SUMMER TERM:  5 May, 19 May, and 26 May 2004

Convenor:  Dr MaryAnne Perkins, Institute of Germanic Studies, 29 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DP. Telephone: 020- 7862 8962. E-mail:  [log in to unmask]> 

Meetings are held at the Institute on Wednesday afternoons between 2 and 4 p.m.
Any interested postgraduate (MA and PhD) is very welcome to attend.

University of London School of Advanced Study
29 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DP
Tel: +44 (0)20- 7862 8965/6
Fax: +44 (0)20- 7862 8970
E-mail: [log in to unmask]