

I think a close English equivalent is the idea of "agency". Agency
expresses the active or action principle. There's an excellent
articleabout disability by Lawrence Becker called "The Good of Agency". I
think I have a draft in a file somewhere and could send it to you.
Since "sovreignty" means to be able to self-determine, toujisya syuta
might be understood as "agency over one's self" or "agency over ourselves"

Just a suggestion.
anita silvers

On Wed, 25 Feb 2004, kenji kuno wrote:

> Dear Members,
> I would highly appreciate it if anyone would give me an
> explanation or answer on my question. I want to know what is
> an appropriate term (s) to explain following
> philosophy/concept .
> I think, a slogan, “Nothing about us without us”, clearly
> shows the basic philosophy of disability movement in western
> society, i.e., “we (disabled people) are the one who really
> experience/fight/suffer disability, hence we (disabled people)
> are the subject/actor/decision maker on this issue, not anyone
> else (e.g., doctors, etc.)”
> I.e., make "being disabled people (having experience of
> disability)" absolute qualification (prerequisite) to be an
> actor/decision maker on disability issue.
> In Japanese disability studies, such concept is explained by
> one word “toujisya” or by two words “toujisya syutai”. Then, I
> was wondering if this concept can be explained by one or two
> terms in English.
> (“Toujisya” means “party involved / party interested / privy”,
> and “syutai” means actor / subject. I.e., when you say
> “toujisya syutai”, above concept is already explained.)
> The reason I asked this is that “Toujisya” is a buzzword in
> Japanese disability studies. Without this word, disability
> cannot be discussed in Japanese. Even the latest book on
> disability studies, which written by Mr. Nakanishi, Chair of
> DPI Japan and leading gender scholar, Ms. Ueno, also titled
> “toujisya syuken”. (syuken means sovereignty). However, I
> cannot find the appropriate word to translate this "toujisya"
> into one or few words in English, then I always “explain” by a
> sentence, like above.
> I could not find such term (s)/expression in English books of
> disability studies, but was thinking there may be one to
> explain this concept, e.g., "involved-actor principle"?
> Thank you for your help in advance!
> Cheers
> kenji kuno
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