

8 hours is 8 hours!
However you are correct in saying that the standard is to count it as
2.67 PAs. The TCS do allow for it to count at 2 PAs but for the
Consultant to have "equivalent enhancement in pay" (ie time and a third)
which would be I think be 6.67% of basic pay for 2 PAs in premium time
each week.
Note also that there can be no compulsion on A&E consultant to work
scheduled DCC PAs in premium time. So you don't have to do these PAs at
all unless you want to. The trust may find that in order to make you
want to they need to pay considerably more than time and a third.

Andrew Hobart

-----Original Message-----
From: Accident and Emergency Academic List
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of ae_res
Sent: 02 February 2004 17:11
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Full shift rotas.

Am I correct in assuming that a consultant full shift
rota with PA's outside normal hours would be costed at
1 PA for every 3 hours worked? So a twilight shift 8pm
- 4am would be 8/3*4 hours or 10.67 hours or 2.67
