

On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 Pete Johnston wrote:

> >There may be other options I haven't thought of.
> C. Use dcterms:abstract ("A summary of the content of the resource")
> for A and dc:description for B
> Pros: No need to coin a new property. An application can determine
> which case it is dealing with from the property alone. Cons: ?
This sounds reasonable to me.

The 'con' is that everyone is going to be confused because it would
be using dc:description slightly differently from how it is being used
at present by everyone. Also it is distinguishing between 'abstract'
and 'description' which in the DC world are generally regarded as
synonymous. But maybe this doesn't matter - it certainly doesn't
matter to an application, a machine having no preconceived ideas
about the meanings of words.


Ann Apps. Senior Analyst - Research & Development, MIMAS,
     University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK
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