

Hi Andy,

I share your disappointment that they don't seem to be working with or
at least investigating the SRW stuff.


Andy Powell wrote:

>On Thu, 29 Jan 2004, Phil Barker wrote:
>>  2) CEN/ISSS Work on Simple Query Interface has started
>>Together with the ARIADNE consortium and the European Schoolnet, the ELENA
>>consortium has successfully initiated the standardization work on a simple query
>>interface for learning object repositories. The goal of this initiative, which
>>is hosted by the CEN/ISSS, is to develop a common communication framework for
>>exchanging queries between heterogeneous educational nodes. We consider this
>>work as an important milestone for building so called "Smart Spaces for
>>Learning". The first release of the specification will be announced in this
>>mailing list(*).
>>More information on Elena can be found here and
>>public draft 0.51 of SQI can be found at:
>It seems a shame that this doesn't build on SRW, about which it says
>--- cut ---
>SRW takes advantage of CQL ("Common Query Language"), a powerful query
>language, which is a human-readable-string query-representation. SRW has
>many similarities with the specification presented in this paper. It
>introduces two main methods searchRetrieveRequest and
>searchRetrieveResponse, both, with quite a number of parameters. Return
>schemas are determined by the target system. No listener method is
>--- cut ---
>but doesn't really explain why something new had to be invented.
>My gut feeling is that this proposal is probably fine if all you are
>interested in searching is learning object repositories - but if you
>acknowledge up front that most real-world services are going to want to
>search across lots of kinds of repositories, then you need standards that
>are more broadly based than just e-learning.
>But perhaps I'm being very unfair about it?  I'd be interested in other's
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