

I wonder if I could canvas the list's opinions on the following scenario.

A women attends after being assaulted by her husband. You find that she has
small children at home. You ask her if the children are at risk of violence.
She says not. You know that there is an increased risk of violence to her
children because she has been assaulted. After appropriate advice she is
discharged home. She declines to involve the police.

1. Should you inform social services about the risk to the child?

You decide to inform social services about the risk to the child. Social
services 'phone back and want to know about the case and the mother's
presenting complaint. You know that you cannot give information about a
patient to an outside agency without that patient's consent except in
exceptional circumstances. This woman has capacity. The woman refuses to
give consent for release of information.

2. Is it appropriate to overide her consent and give information to Social

I would be very interested to know what the list thinks about this.
