

Dear All,

1. I have to synthesize data about aquatic birds exploitation in the Near 
and Middle-East during Prehistory (special number of the review 
"Paléorient"). If somebody has personal references on the subject I would 
be glad to quote them in this article.

2. I studied for my Phd the faunal material of 3 Arabian Gulf settlements 
(Dilmun and hellenic periods). In these sites, I found small ruminants 
astragali (sheep, goats and gazelle) polished on 1, 2, 3 or 4 sides and 
sometimes, with bitumen (dorsal side). I would like to know if somebody can 
observe this type of artefact in another sites. I know there are few 
examples in Greece (Bovidae astragali) and in other sites of the Middle 
East. Moreover, if someone is interested in this subject I can send him the 
information I have.

Many thanks

Carine TOMÉ
Laboratoire d'archéozoologie du CEPAM / CNRS
250 rue Albert Einstein - 06560 VALBONNE
tel: 04 93 95 41 55