

>I tried once Pyura chilensis in Santiago Chile, ... It taste
>actually not very good, very salty,

The first time I tried it, it was right out of the water with a
squirt of lemon juice. Tasted like an iodine-soaked tennis shoe with
a squirt of lemon juice.

It is usually included with clam, mussel, barnacle, etc in seafood
soups and that cuts the taste. Some eat it like sea urchin in a sort
of a quick ceviche -- with chopped onions, parsley, lemon juice and
whatever else is handy.

I asked my brother-in-law in Puerto Montt, Chile a question about the
species a while back and he allowed (ellipses are his):

>PIURE ( Piura molina - chilensis )  is a tunicade , red color, very
>unusual to find out in other countries ( also in Australia is
>possible), but in Chile most of the ''seafood tasters''  like to eat
>it , particulary Susanne and me..., most of the weeks..., at least
>once a week...,  Very high in iodine and good to taste, but must be
>eated very clean. ( very well gutted and clean ). You can eat it as
>a fresh meat or smoked ( cold smoked), or also canned, but this is
>not usual. Recently the consumption is increasing because people
>know more about this seafood.., you can find it usually in the
>supermarkets, fresh and clean.

Don Hockaday
South Padre Island, TX
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