

Dear All

I am currently working on the use of history & legends/myths in the tourism
promotion of heritage-associated tourism destinations & attractions, with
particular reference to the UK & its King Arthur legend.   This circular is
to ask if anyone else out there is working on anything similar.   If so,
please give me outline details of your work, so that I can avoid any
duplication.  My outline follows below.

When history & legends/myths are used in the promotion of tourism
destinations & attractions, the interpretation of the sites concerned
usually varies to a greater or lesser extent between being designed to
either educate or to entertain the visitor.   Sometimes the interpretational
emphasis is informative, yet at other times the tourism product provided is
strongly (perhaps almost exclusively) an entertainment one.

The aim of this research is to design, if possible, a measuring tool so that
the interpretation & promotion at such heritage-associated places can be
objectively measured as being appropriate or otherwise for the degree of
education & entertainment that the site wishes to provide.  Such a measuring
tool, once designed, tested, & proven to be accurate & effective, can also
help other such places when designing their own particular marketing

I therefore look forward to hearing from anyone else out there who is doing
anything similar, or who can provide me with any useful comments about my
current project.

With warmest regards

(PhD Candidate)

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