

a question: how would you design and analyse a functional imaging
experiment where you are interested in not rejecting the null hypothesis.
that is, where you don't want to see a difference between two conditions.
is there a great example in literature?

asking some knowledgeable people, there was the suggestion to lower the
thresholds. but you always see something in SPM when lowering the
thresholds.... is there a more elegant way of doing it? I would be happy
with any comment.

thanks in advance!


Dr. med. Johannes Chr. Gerber
FA Diagnostische Radiologie
Abteilung Neuroradiologie
Institut und Poliklinik für Radiologische Diagnostik
Universitätsklinikum Dresden
D-01304 Dresden
Tel.:   0351-458 5227 / -2660
Fax.:  0351-458 4370