

Hello list,

just out of curiosity, I analyzed a fairly complex (and long) erfMRI
experiment with a 3x3 factorial design with both SPM2 and FSL3.2b. I tried
to keep everything as close to the other package as possible, i.e. I
adjusted both smoothing kernels to 5mm, set the high pass filter to 128s,
used gamma function + temp. derivative in FSL (standard delay) / canonical
hrf + tdv in SPM2, entered identical onset vectors, specified identical
contrasts and so on. I set the duration for my events to the actual 1.5
seconds in both packages, as FSL doesn't allow 0-durations.
Now one of the packages gave me "blobs" on a
corrected-for-multiple-comparisons level of 0.05, where the other didn't
show anything worth mentioning on a uncorrected p=0.001 level. Is that
possible at all, given the similarity of the statistics? Has anyone
experienced something similar? I am aware of the comparison done by
Bianciardi et al (NeuroImage 2004), but differences were marginal at

Thanks for your help,

Cornelius Werner
Institut fuer Medizin (IME)
AG Kognitive Neurologie
Forschungszentrum Juelich
52425  Juelich

Tel. +49-(0)2461-61-8609