

Dear Sanjay,

  yes it's true that the maximal diametric length is described in your

AND: it was me that introduced a series of threedimentional isovist
measures like height of invisibility ;-)
See more at ....

best regards

Bernhard Snizek
landscape architect MDL MSc

Sanjay Rana wrote:

>Dear all,
>Could all the users of the ArcView extension "Isovist Analyst" version 1.0,
>developed by me, support my claim that:
>1. The concept and implementation of maximum diametric length measure was
>first proposed by me (in May 2002) in the user's manual (duly copyrighted)
>of the "Isovist Analyst".
>2. The concept and demonstration of the ridges on the maximum diametric
>length measure for finding lines of dominant visibility e.g. axial lines,
>was first proposed by me (in May 2002) in the user's manual (duly
>copyrighted) of the "Isovist Analyst".
>Just drop a line in support as response to this message.
>I am sorry to having to ask you to do this but I would be very grateful for
>your support because despite my strong and clear repeated verbal and
>written protests to the authors, CASA working papers No. 69 and 73 are
>giving the entire credit of these two ideas to Carvalho et al..
>Carvalho et al. were privy to my research and sadly to my loss, I have been
>slow in publishing my results and have landed in this fight to save my
>intellectural property right to my ideas.
>I would also like to inform you a fundamental misleading piece of
>information in both the papers. Both the papers refer to Ratti(2001) for
>the maximum diametric length measure which is infact not used in the actual
>paper. The papers are actually based on my methodology and I know this
>because as the papers say in the acknowledgement, I did the initial runs of
>the extension using my software. Although Ratti(2001) also proposed a a
>similar diametric length measure, Ratti's measure would not produce the
>same "orientation" and "number of ridge lines" as his computation method is
>NOT strictly based on Lines of Sights. I had also made this point clear to
>both the authors. But above all, here again, there is an effort to
>undermine my ideas.
>Thanks a lot in advance.