

Hello everyone,

In case if you have ever had to look for a user-friendly, simple and free
graph analysis software, you would know how difficult that quest can be.
However, I am pleased to let you know that after hours of trawling on the
internet, I have found exactly the software.

Its called Agna. Its platform-independent, free and simple to use unlike
some other "industrial-strength" free software which have functions pasted
everywhere on the GUI. It comes with a well written user manual as well.

All you will have to do is to prepare an adjacency matrix (e.g. axial-
line/road center line intersections etc.) as a comma-separated file. It can
calculate many local and global graph measures. The terminology is slightly
different but a quick look through the manual will be sufficient.

The typical steps would be as follows:

1. Create axial lines in a SS software
2. Create adjacency matrix inside/outside Agna
3. Compute SS-type measures in Agna

I have used the software and it worked very well for graph with few hundred
nodes. I have a feeling that it might be slower in the case of very large
graphs but the software is not really designed for very large graphs anyway.

Is anyone aware of other such software?
