


SPECIAL SESSION(S): Perspectives on Geographic Complexity

LOCATION AND DATES: Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting,
April 5-9, 2005.  Denver, CO, USA

SPONSORS: Sponsored by the Geographic Information Systems and Spatial
Analysis and Modeling AAG specialty groups.

DESCRIPTION: There is growing interest in understanding geographical
phenomena with complexity-based research.  Topics include, but are not
limited to:

1. Theory: Geographical and complexity theories, epistemological and
ontological considerations, role of deterministic complexity (e.g., chaos,

2. Methods: cellular automata, agent-based models, genetic algorithms,
genetic programs, and artificial neural networks.

3. Issues: spatiotemporal patterning, representation, interaction, local
interactions and global structure, scale, self organizing systems,
emergence, and complex adaptive systems.

4. Applications: Political and socioeconomic, human-environment, and earth
system science.


Tom Evans, Indiana University, [log in to unmask]
Dawn Parker, George Mason University, [log in to unmask]
Paul Torrens, University of Utah, [log in to unmask]
Steven Manson, University of Minnesota, [log in to unmask] 

CONTACT: Dawn Parker, George Mason University, [log in to unmask]


September 1, 2004: This call for papers.

September 15, 2004: Expression of intent. Email Dawn Parker
([log in to unmask]) by this date if you are interested in being in this
session or if you have other questions.

IMPORTANT: please submit an abstract, or preferably an extended abstract or
paper, with your expression of intent.  Fuller submissions will be given
priority over submissions with just a paper title.

September 20, 2004: Session finalization.  Session organizers determine
session order and content and notify authors.

October 1, 2004: AAG registration.  The AAG has an on-line abstract
submission system accessible via All participants must register
individually via this site.  Upon registration you will be given a
participant number.  Send this number and a copy of your final abstract to
the session organizers.  Neither the organizers nor the AAG will edit the

October 15, 2004: Session submitted to the AAG for approval.

April 5-9, 2005: AAG meetings


Steven M. Manson
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
University of Minnesota
414 Social Sciences
267 19th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55455

612 625 4577
612 624 1044 (fax)