A joint event organised by the Staff and Educational Development Association and the Association for Learning Technologies

Changing practice to introduce e-learning

Martin Oliver

Institute of Education, Room 903

Russell Square, London

Wednesday 3rd November 2004

1.30 - 4.30pm


This event is being hosted by the Institute of Education as part of a series of collaborative events organised by the SEDA Research Committee, on this occasion with the Association for Learning Technologies. The intention is to provide networking opportunities for those engaged in research, evaluation and other scholarly activities in various aspects of learning and teaching.

This half-day session will explore how academic practice evolves in response to new tools, resources and services that are intended to encourage the adoption of e-learning. Drawing on a recently-completed JISC project, this joint ALT/SEDA event will involve a presentation of the project's main findings, the introduction of a typology to analyse interventions in practice, group-based activities and discussion. The session is most likely to be relevant to staff developers supporting e-learning, learning technologists and their managers.

The cost of the workshop will be £20



SEDA/ALT Workshop Wednesday 3rd November 2004 – Registration Form


Name…………………………………………………….. Job Title…………………………………………………………….……...








Telephone………………………………… Fax………………………..…………… Email…………..……………….....................


Dietary or other special requirements………………………………………………………………………..………………………..


 c        I enclose a cheque for £20       (Please make payable to ‘SEDA’ in £s sterling drawn on a British bank.)


 c        Please invoice my organisation for £20. The official order number is (if possible): ……………………………………....


Invoice address (if different from above): ……………………………………………………………...............................................




Please return completed forms by MONDAY 25TH OCTOBER 2004 to:

Staff and Educational Development Association, Selly Wick House, 59-61 Selly Wick Road, Selly Park,

Birmingham B29 7JE.    Tel: 0121 415 6801     Fax:  0121 415 6802   Email: [log in to unmask]              url: www.seda.ac.uk

A company limited by guarantee and registered in England, no. 3709481. Registered in England and Wales as a charity, no. 1089537






59/61 Selly Wick Road

Selly Park


B29 7JE

Tel: 0121 415 6801

Fax: 0121 415 6802