

If this can be PROVED then let's see the proof.
Sooner rather than later the entire HE system in the UK and elsewhere will fall because there will be NO credibility or professional standing left.
Penny Booth

sally jones <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
In a previous post:
I wrote:
"I know - personally - of a service that gets Chinese students unconditional offers from universiities (provided the stdents pay £4000+ in bribes)Oh yes the stuents don't need A levels and NO the courses are NOT Foundation.

I know the phone number of one of the Fixits.

Are universiities interested?


The TES, Daily Mail nor News of the World - despite being offered the phone number of the Fixit guy - were not interested enough to follow up the story.



As I type this I have in front of me an UNCONDITIONAL OFFER given to a Chinese student with NO A levels (he decided he'd have a long holiday so dropped all his subjects in May 2004) and NO Chinese High School leaving certificate (which anyway are apparently easy to buy in China).

He paid a 'Fixit' £4000 to get into a British university. He starts his degree shortly. It's not the degree he wanted but he's been told that he can transfer to his chosen degree in 3 mths time. Apparently this is not unknown, allegedly, allegedly, allegedly at this particular university.

A colleague of mine intends to ask the University why they gave the UNCONDITIONAL OFFER (which the University is entitled to do as it has discretion).

The point is this: the title of this Forum is Plagiarism and this is obviously not plagiarism. So - would you like me to post the results of my investigation and/or the Universitiy's response? or is it too far off topic? (I would simply post their response - no libel would be committed)

Before you answer, I should add that at least one member of the University is a regular poster here.


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