

Dear All, 
I am sitting on a working party reviewing the evidence for detection ,health surveillance,  treatment etc for Occupational Asthma. We hope to issue guidelines in September this year.

Meanwhile I would like to get a flavour of what people are actually doing out there. If your employees are exposed to Sensitisers can you give me some idea ,and also indicate why you have chosen to follow this particular path:

Any information on your attitudes/practice to:

Pre employment issues
Health surveillance :baseline /early / annual?
paper screen , spirometry or both?
Action on finding a suspected case- removal from exposure,serial peak flow, referral to specialist?
RIDDOR reporting? 
Does your practice differ with the different sensitisers, e.g. animal exposure and chemical?

I will be having a good input into the leaflets that are produced for OH  professionals, and GP  and practice nurses.So I would like to know what you would feel it would be valuable to have in them...
 Best wishes,


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