Anyone know of a servicing outfit that will service & test spirometers. We have spirometers made by two different companies. Some electronic & one volumetric. They are periodically serviced & tested by their respective manufacturers & regularly volume tested by us. Each manufacturer says their machine is OK. Volume tests (Using the Vitalograph 1 litre syringe) suggest reasonable accuracy (within 1%) However, on actual patient testing, we get variance of up to 10% between machines (usually with the classic Vitalograph (volumetric) machine recording the higher results.

Individual manufacturers will of course say that it must be a fault in the other company’s machine.

My wheeze is to get all tested by the one service engineer who’ll then have to take responsibility for sorting inter-instrument variance.

Know anyone who will grasp the nettle.? Or can anyone explain why we see such variance? Or how we can solve the problem?

I wait, with bated breath for the solution to be posted!

Dr. Alan Swann, BM, AFOM

Director of Occupational Health

Occupational Health Service

Imperial College London

Southside building

South Kensington Campus



Tel:    +44 (20) 7594 9385

Fax:    +44 (20) 7594 9407 (Intranet)

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