I worked in the Middle East for several years, Saudi, Beirut and a short stint in Syria.

OH jobs are not easy to find, certainly through agencies but you may find it easier if you find out which companies (UK and USA in particular) have operations out there and write to them.

For instance, BAe are in Saudi, Shell in Syria, BP in Saudi, all sorts of telecoms companies and IT all over the place. Use the internet.

Try in Saudi, Rezayat Company Ltd. It is run by a Saudi Mr Ali Reza who is "into" all manner of things..hospitals, industry and provides most services in support of bigger operations.

Try WHO and contact them in both London and Geneva as they have all manner of posts. Medicin Sans Frontieres and International Red Cross might also be able to offer something innovative.

OH recruitment and Cheviot have got me work out there.

BNA do lots of Middle East recruitment through their Oxford Street, London offices.

Try Radioman International who provide staff to some offshore facilities but may include land-based desert sites.

Try to find out which companies manage hospitals in the Middle East and write direct.

Contact the Irish Health Services Development Corporation in Dublin. They manage some hospital contracts in Saudi.

Tip. OH is not actually something which is understood out there, but Primary Care is and it is a foot in the door.

Do your research before going out to the region. Females, particularly single ones are very restricted in some countries and you need to understand that. Lots of advice is available via the Foreign & Commonwealth Office website. Learn the language or at least try though it is not easy.

Any more wanted, you know where I am.
With kind regards,

James Beresford
Occupational Health Adviser
Heales Medical Ltd
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