

Happy new year from a very hot Christchurch New Zealand.
I  remember when I reviewed all the 'maternity' videos and films in the
hospital library about 15 years ago, there was one I came across that looked
really old and was promoting the use of oxytocics. Interestingly if I
remember rightly it promoted the use of ergometrine following the birth of
the placenta, rather than to stimulate this process. It did set me thinking
at the time, that this seemed a better idea, because I had recently birthed
a women who unexpectedly delivered twins. Because I was the only one in the
delivery theatre at the time, I was too busy managing the first baby which
had shot out and had not given the ecbolic when we were expected to, with
the anterior shoulder. By the time I had given the baby to the mother, still
on my own in the theatre, the second baby shot out before I could get the
ergometrine in. I must admit I did wait a while before finally giving it!!

Videos and films are a really interesting and often untapped source of
information for research purposes.  Its often not what is said in them as
what is not said and the way activities are described and prescribed.

Hope this is useful
Kind regards
Chris Hendry
Postgraduate midwifery lecturer
Otago Polytechnic
New Zealand

----- Original Message -----
From: Deborah <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 12:19 AM
Subject: third stage

> A successful and properous new year to all on the list.
> I am searching for a reference on the history of the use of oxytocics in
> third stage of labour. Can anyone help? Thanks. Deborah Caine