

At 14:59 on Tuesday, 29 Jun 2004, Tehmina Bhote wrote:

> You don't actually ever get to know 'who' is behind the Framley
> Examiner.

-  Alex Morris

"While Flash sites are, so to speak, the guerrilla wing of the web’s  
social commentators, more traditional satire is also flourishing on the  
internet. The closest Britain gets to America’s mighty satirical site The  
Onion is the Framley Examiner. “We admired The Onion, but didn’t see the  
point in trying to do a British version of that,” says Alex Morris, the  
editor of the Framley Examiner. “We liked the idea of a local paper that  
would have to fill the pages whether there was anything going on or not.”  
He e-mailed the first issue to a few friends for a laugh three years ago:  
the front-page splash was about a tin of peaches going missing at the  
local grocer. Another local paper skit is the Portadown News, set up by  
Newton Emerson while waiting to be made redundant. “We were all doing  
12-hour nights, so after we’d done the usual looking at porn and dirty  
jokes we started doing something creative with our computers.”

extracted from:,,7947-983341,00.html
