

> For a future meeting perhaps we should approach Framley Museum to act
> as hosts?

This is a brilliant idea. Unfortunately when I called them about a booking
they told me there had been an unfortunate accident in their WWII
re-enactment room involving a live land mine and a small child that had
utterly destroyed their meeting room.

> Their website shows imaginative use of new technology, including
> webcams! Also check out their Education and Kids pages.

Yes, their customer care is a fine exemplar of Worst Practice.

> PPS. Does the site conform to W3C?

Not only that but it is utterly dreadful in anything but the absolutely
latest version of Microsoft Explorer 9 newly released this morning in a
Special Milenium Beta Edition.


Michael P. Cooper
Nottingham Museums Registrar
tel.: +44 (0)115 915 3671
fax : +44 (0)115 915 3601