

Reform proposals mean lower subscriptions for CILIP members in 2005

CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
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News from CILIP
Friday 24 September 2004
For immediate release  (Please copy to online discussion lists)

Reform proposals mean lower subscriptions for CILIP members in 2005

Aim is to be fair to all members whatever their circumstances says Treasurer

CILIP members who pay their subscriptions by Direct Debit or go onto the new Early Bird rate will pay less next year than they did in 2004, under reform proposals to be put to the Institute's Annual General Meeting next month.  Changes in the way discounts are calculated will also ensure that lower paid members enjoy significantly greater reductions than those on higher incomes.

"We wanted to be fair to all members whatever their circumstances, but also take particular care to ensure lower paid members didn't lose out," says CILIP's Honorary Treasurer Andrew Wale.  "As a result, we have a system whereby all CILIP members who currently pay a subscription based on their incomes - plus students, retired and affiliated members - will be able to reduce their subscription payments next year."

Previously, CILIP offered a small percentage discount to its members who paid their subscriptions in full at the start of the year.  Under the package of proposals to be put to the vote at the AGM, the discount would be extended to members who pay by Direct Debit instalments as well, and would also change from a percentage of the amount paid to a £12 flat rate irrespective of the size of the subscription. 

"This particularly benefits lower paid members, in two ways," Andrew Wale explains.  "Firstly, it means that they get a proportionately much bigger discount than higher paid members do, and secondly it means that they can spread their subscription payments throughout the year without penalty, instead of having to find the whole amount in January or February."

However, these reductions are not confined to the lower paid.  If the AGM approves the proposals, all members who currently pay a subscription based on their income - plus students, retired and affiliated members - will be able to reduce their subscription payments in 2005.

The proposals are part of a package of reforms that will see CILIP move from its current income-based subscription system to a flat rate subscription for the majority of its members by 2008.  At current prices not adjusted for inflation, the goal is to achieve by 2008 a flat rate of £150 full or £138 discounted for all CILIP members earning over £17,000.  Members earning less than this amount can continue to pay lower subscriptions based on their income as now.  Students, retired and affiliated members will also pay significantly less than the proposed flat rate.  Full details of the plans, together with all the subscription rates proposed for next year, can be seen at

Contact:        Tim Buckley Owen, Head of Membership, Marketing & Media.
                Tel: 020 7255 0652.     Email: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]

Notes to Editors

CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals is the leading professional body for librarians, information specialists and knowledge managers, with around 23,000 members working in all sectors, including business and industry, science and technology, further and higher education, schools, local and central government, the health service, the voluntary sector, national and public libraries.  For more information about CILIP, please go to

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