CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
7 Ridgmount St, London WC1E 7AE.

Tel: 020 7255 0500  Textphone: 020 7255 0505    Fax: 020 7255 0501  E-mail: [log in to unmask]

News from CILIP
Monday 20 September 2004
For immediate release  (Please copy to online discussion lists)

Late opening at CILIP's Information Centre means even better service for job seekers too

CILIP's Information Centre now open till 19:00 Monday-Thursday

CILIP members and researchers who want to use the Institute's purpose-built Information Centre will now find it open in the evenings throughout the week.  The Centre, with its email and Internet facilities, specialist library collection of books and journals and comfortable members' lounge, is open until 7p.m. from Monday to Thursday and until 5 p.m. on Fridays.  This new development should benefit not only members who want to use the Centre longer, but also job seekers and employers who have evening appointments with CILIP's recruitment consultancy INFOmatch.

"We hope that the later opening will encourage more CILIP members, who might be unable to use the Information Centre during working hours, to take advantage of the facilities we offer," says CILIP's Information Services Manager Caroline Nolan. Visitors to the Information Centre can conduct research, check emails, catch up with the latest issue of key library & information journals, or simply relax in the Members' Lounge. "We welcome evening visits from CILIP members, whether they work locally or are in London for a meeting or training course," Caroline continues.

Welcoming the extended opening hours, INFOmatch head Susan Baillie urges CILIP members seeking new jobs, and employers, to take advantage of the new opening hours when contacting her to arrange early evening appointments.  "At that time of day, we can offer a little extra time to both job seekers and employers," she says.  "For instance, if you need advice on your CV, we can work on this on the spot, maximising the best use of the Centre's excellent facilities, such as word processing."

INFOmatch will even provide a disk and some high quality paper copies along with its advice - all free to CILIP members, of course.

We're very pleased to have been able to respond to members' needs by opening the Information Centre late four days a week instead of just one as before," Caroline Nolan concludes. "It means people no longer need to remember which is the evening we're open!"

Tim Buckley Owen, Head of Membership, Marketing & Media.
Tel: 020 7255 0652.     Email: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]

Notes to Editors

CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals is the leading professional body for librarians, information specialists and knowledge managers, with around 23,000 members working in all sectors, including business and industry, science and technology, further and higher education, schools, local and central government, the health service, the voluntary sector, national and public libraries.  For more information about CILIP, please go to

Working exclusively within the library and information sector, INFOmatch recruitment services are dedicated to providing a fast, efficient, high quality service to both clients and candidates. As part of CILIP, it is are able to offer an integrated range of services to help candidates find work and employers recruit staff at all levels.  For more information, go to

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