

Yes, I thought Cilip was meant to be on our side.   I'm sure that most employers are perfectly capable of looking after their own interests and of fighting their own battles - without any help from our professional organisation.
Despite the Thatcher years, I had fondly imagined that the days of hat-doffing and forelock tugging in the general direction of our employers was long gone and that we had entered an era in which there was a mutual recognition between employer and employee that they existed in an equal relationship, i.e., the acceptance that they need us as much as we need them?  It appears I was mistaken!
Geraint Jones,
Islay, Scotland.

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Mike Morris [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
	Sent: Fri 16-Jan-04 16:57 
	To: [log in to unmask] 
	Subject: Re: LIS gazette: Watson

	Point taken inasmuch as we have to work in a certain prevailing climate
	(one which is unremittingly hostile to us greedy public servants, for
	instance). I do think the balance CILIP has to strike is weighted far
	too heavily on the defeatist let's-all-conform-out-of-sheer-terror side,
	though. Geraint was on the money about those enticing CILIP courses too
	(I'm surprised nobody's told him to set up a Highlands Branch of CILIP
	Off for the weekend now...
	Mike Morris, Librarian, ISCA
	51 Banbury Rd., Oxford OX2 6PE 01865 274671