

I am grateful to Tim Buckley-Owen for clarifying that 80% of those members
of CILIP who pay income-related subscriptions earn 22K or less.
Surely, this fact alone calls for CILIP to lead a timely review of the state
of the profession from which to redefine the roles of our professional body
and, in the meantime, take action to prioritise the work of colleagues at
Ridgmount Street (whose lot is not always a happy one) so they can deliver
such practical solutions as those suggested by Fiona McLean?

It is fantastic to see so much debate about our professional body. Were we
to abandon CILIP we would certainly wish to reinvent a new professional
body. The risk  is that with these kind of salaries in place CILIP may
simply be presiding over the demise of the profession itself... Let's not
move deck-chairs, focussing on subs and how to keep CILIP afloat. I would
have thought the bigger challenge is to focus on how we can best serve
organisations, clients, users - society - to bring our skills to bear in the
age of information and informatics - and in so doing boost our reputation
and remuneration. Surely this should be our time? It seems to me that we
need to find our voices - and look to CILIP to provide the services that can
help us gain influence in the workplace.

I'll go to work now! :)


Sue Lacey Bryant  - BA Hons, Dip Lib, MSc, MCLIP
Independent Information Specialist

E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Mob:    0 777 34 77 55 2

"There are things known, and there are things unknown. And in between are
the doors."
Jim Morrison