

Just to prove a letter to your MP needn't be long or complex, here is the
one I wrote to mine:
Hello Nigel
You may recall helping put forward my evidence on this matter.

The Committee's formal report recommended that all UK funded researchers
should be required by their funders to self-archive all their published
journal articles on their own institution's websites, thereby making them
free for all users, worldwide:

"This Report recommends that all UK higher education institutions establish
institutional repositories on which their published output can be stored and
from which it can be read, free of charge, online. It also recommends that
Research Councils and other Government
funders mandate their funded researchers to deposit a copy of allof their
articles in this way."

The government's response to this report is littered with evidence that it
has been "got at" by the publishers' lobby (eg "The Government is not aware
that there are problems in accessing scientific information, or that there
is a large unsatisfied demand for this...(HC 1200, page 15.)).

I suppose that was to be expected. But what was not expected was that the
Government would reject this key recommendation, which would not have cost
additional money, would definitely have enhanced the impact and
value-for-money of UK research, and was not even opposed by the majority of

"However the Government has no present intention to mandate Research Council
funded researchers to deposit a copy of their published material in
institutional repositories." (HC 1200, page 28.)

I do hope that you will be willing to speak in favour of this recommendation
in the debate in parliament


Prof B Royan
Concurrent Computing Ltd, 41 Greenhill Gardens
Edinburgh, EH10 4BL             United Kingdom
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