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The January issue of Learned Publishing is available on the ALPSP website at

Contents include a clear, demystifying, account of metadata by Cliff Morgan and a useful introduction to the work of the Digital Curation Centre by Neil Beagrie.

Articles by Hans Roosendaal and by David Prosser attempt to analyse and assess the changes occurring in the learned publishing business.  Products, techniques and services that have arisen from those changes are described by several authors.  Jayne Marks and Timo Hannay give an account of a collaboration between Nature and the Alliance for Cellular Signalling; Toby Green describes the e-book initiatives at the OECD; Suzanne Wilson-Higgins puts the case for 'print on demand'; Pinar Erzin shows how telemarketing can assist maintenance of subscription levels; and Laura Bonald and Sally Morris describe the new ALPSP Learned Journals Collection.

Charles Oppenheim and Valerie Bence contribute a full account of their research into the relationship between the UK's Research Assessment Exercise and scholarly journals and Alastair Dryburgh contributes an especially interesting review of Clayton M. Christensen's The Innovator's Dilemma and discusses whether Christensen's concept of 'disruptive innovation' applies to the academic journals business - if it does there are important lessons to be learnt by those managing that business today.

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Robert Welham, Editor

Debbie Stoddart
Event Marketing Co-ordinator

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