

Just a couple of responses.

Edmund Chamberlain said:

> (many of my fellow students at Loughborough were amazed you
> needed an MA to be a Librarian, somthing they saw akin to 
> working at Tescos!). 

You don't need an MA to be a Librarian.

I only have a first degree in Librarianship and Information Studies and
no interest at this moment in further academic qualifications.

>  As far as i am aware, CILIP has a
> monopoly on us. We need to pay a sizeable amount to be in it, 
> and need it to progress in our careers. 

Again, this is overstating the case.   We do still have freedom of
association. While being chartered may be an advantage in some
positions, this is not always the case.  No employer is really in a
legal position to insist on someone remaining a member of a particular
organisation, I would have thought (outside of the statutory
professions).  Plenty of librarians are not CILIP members, and that
includes some (a small minority, I would guess, but I don't have the
data) people who are quite some way up the hierarchy.
