

Hi All,

Can I ask for some clarification on some work related office gossip I have
been hearing?

Apparently CILIP are offering chartership to non qualified library
assistants based on x number of years experience, a CV and a four page
report (and quite possibly a small fee!).

If this is the case and colleages are bypassing the studying part to work
their way upto chartered status, then why spend three years at university,
plus another one or two when we could be working our way up full time with
no student debts? Within the equivalent time of qualifying as a librarian we
could have done the experience part and be in a professionally chartered
librarian post.

I am seriously considering rewriting my professional issues section in order
to incorporate this.

As someone who is close to submitting, can anyone put me straight on this,
have I got the wrong end of the stick completely?!

Reply on/off list - I'm sure many of us are running out of space in our
email accounts...



PS We shall miss Emilce's emails - they did spark some interesting
discussions in the office!

Helena West
Academic Librarian
University College Northampton
Boughton Green Road

01604 892226