

Could I please remind you all, once again, about this training session. We may have to cancel if we do not get more delegates which would be a great shame and would disadvantage the 6 delegates who are already booked on it.
If appealing to your better natures doesn't work, I can always resort to blackmail and threats.
Do library managers have any new staff who may benefit from this training? The programme for the day is below and I attach a booking forn to fax back.
Introduction to the Internet
Plenty of opportunity for hands - on experience.
In addition to a printed workbook, all participants will receive a

diskette containing the links used during the course.


09.45-10.00 Registration and coffee

10.00-10.15 Welcome and introduction

10.15-10.30 Are you getting the best out of your web browser?

10.30-11.15 Ten things you didn't know about Google

11.15-11.30 Tea/Coffee

11.30-12.00 How to find the best health websites

12.00-13.00 Lunch

13.00-13.30 Tour of the NeLH

13.30-14.15 Medline showdown: PubMed v. Dialog

14.15-15.00 Preview of the new Cochrane Library

15.00-15.15 Tea/Coffee

15.15-15.45 Final practical session

15.45-16.00 Summary

16.00 Close

-----Original Message-----
From: Shan Annis
Sent: 24 August 2004 11:29
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Introduction to the Internet 13th September

Hello all
We still have places for this all day course at the Zochonis Building Manchester. Alain Besson is an excellent trainer and everyone enjoys and benefits from his courses. Library managers, please cascade this message to your staff and encourage them to come along. Please book a place by e mailing me (not Suzanne, who is on leave) as soon as possible.