

Following on from the earlier thread about associating nodes with queues, I
am investigating whether it is possible to modify the ceinfo object so that
it provides more control over which VOs are associated with which queues.
The entry on the Taipei wiki (
suggests disabling ceinfo altogether and editing
/opt/edg/var/etc/ce-static.ldif directly, but that means losing some automation.

Currently, the LCFG template /usr/lib/lcfg/conf/ceinfo/ce-static performs a
substitution that adds the line GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule: VO:"vo name"
for each queue. I would like to be able to control this process, but the
facilities offered by the LCF template language are severely limited. For
instance, the <%if%> command can only be used to test that an expression is
non-null -- you can't do string comparisons. Theoretically you can embed
bits of shell or perl code, but that doesn't seem to work (I get
04/10/29 10:23:12:    invalid resource name (perl: print"Hello";) at

in the error log.)

Should I be trying to do this at the template level or should I do it in the
  ceinfo object itself? If I do it in the ceinfo object how do I reference
resources such as the list of queues accessed in the template as <%queue%>?
