

I am trying to configure PBS so that each queue is associated with a subset
of nodes. The setup is as follows:

Node1 doesn't support dteam users, Node2 does.

In my node config I have:

node1  np=2
node2 np=1 dteam

and in my PBS config I have:

Queue: dteam
      queue_type = Execution
      total_jobs = 0
      state_count = Transit:0 Queued:0 Held:0 Waiting:0 Running:0 Exiting:0
      resources_max.cput = 48:00:00
      resources_max.walltime = 72:00:00
      resources_default.neednodes = dteam
      resources_default.nodect = 1
      resources_default.nodes = 1
      acl_groups = dteam
      enabled = True
      started = True

If I submit manually using either qsub -l nodes=1:dteam or qsub -q dteam
then the job goes correctly to node2. If I submit via globus using
"globus-job-run -q dteam" then I get no
output (I think because it is being sent to node1 which can't run dteam
jobs.) If I reverse the order in the nodes config file, then the job runs
successfully on node2 -- PBS seems to be just choosing the first node
regardless of its properties.

Any ideas? (I know this has been asked on the list before but no solution
was given.) It seems (from the earlier thread) that the problem is globus
generating a submission akin to "qsub -q dteam -l nodes=1" and that the
"nodes=1" is overriding any defaults set in the PBS configuration.
